How to Record an OCC and Save Images in CorePlayground
An OCC file is a debug data file that records all streaming feeds. This allows Structure to analyze what users see in their environment to determine if an issue a user is having is caused by the environment, technique, hardware, or SDK.
Within CorePlayground, users can choose to stream depth, visible, IR, and IMU. Once the desired feeds are selected, click the green arrow button to begin streaming.
At the bottom of CorePlayground's GUI, there are two buttons: “Save Images & PLY” and "Record OCC File".
Upon clicking “Save Images & PLY”, CorePlayground will save one camera frame for each enabled stream, as well as a depth point cloud for debugging.
Upon clicking “Record OCC File”, CorePlayground will start recording an OCC until the user click “Stop Recording”.
The debug data will be stored in
[AppDocuments]/occ/ <date-time></date-time>
. In the below example, the files were stored under /Users/ <you> /Documents/occ/2020-03-12_16-03-13 </you>