What do the 3DChonkScan settings mean?
- Object
- Ideal for most items such as a chair or other items larger than 1 meter/3 feet
- Area
- Ideal for larger subjects and when using first person point of view scanning techniques
Record Occ
- On/Off
- ON - this creates OCC files during scanning which can then be sent to support for analysis. (Note: These files can be quite large so we recommend leaving this to off in most circumstances.)
- OFF (Default)
- Structure
- Preset
- Default
- This is the preset you will use most of the time. It is a good middle ground for indoor scanning. The largest limitation is that it needs to be used indoors, and its minimum focal length is slightly longer than the Body Preset.
- Body
- If you are intending on scanning an arm, a foot, or any other object that requires a free-floating, groundless bounding box, choose this preset.
- Outdoor
- One of Structure Sensor’s greatest moves forward is the ability to scan outdoors. If you intend on doing a lot of scanning in sunlight, choose this preset. We also suggest turning on IR Auto Exposure, although this may introduce more noise into the scan.
- Room
- This preset can be used for room or large area scanning.
- Close Range
- This preset can be used for close range scanning.
- Hybrid
- This preset can be used in both close range and long range, but it may be less accurate than either the Default preset or the Body preset.
- Dark Object
- This allows for significantly better detection of dark and reflective objects that previously caused difficulty; however, this is geared less towards object scanning and more towards robotics and machine learning applications. This has not been fully integrated into our SLAM systems and unexpected results may occur.
- Medium Range
- This preset can be used for larger objects or smaller areas
- Use ARKit
- On/Off
- The default is off but you would turn this on if you wish to use some ARKit features such as…..
- Note: We do not use ARKit during scanning and rely fully on our own tracking.
- The default is off but you would turn this on if you wish to use some ARKit features such as…..
- On/Off
- Use ARKit
Cube (Bounding Box)
- User Defined
- The user can set the cube size and distance from the sensor.
- Auto (Table Top)
- We detect the ground plane and place the cube on top of it. Only the cube size is editable.
- Around the Camera
- This places the sensor in the center of the cube (FPV - First Person View). Only the cube size is editable.
Align With Camera
- On/Off
- Align with the sensor OR gravity
- Range: 0.00m - 5.00m
- Select the distance of the bounding box from the sensor.
- Object
- This is ideal for subjects that are ~6 foot / 2 meters or smaller
- Turntable
- This is good if the subject is on a lazy-susan or similar and the sensor is in a fixed position.
- Area
- This is optimal if you are doing first person point of view scanning
Voxel Size
- Range: 1mm - 50 mm
- For smaller subject, we recommend using a voxel size between 1-3mm for optimal results. Smaller voxels capture more details. (Note that smaller voxel sizes require more memory, more computational power (the scanning becomes laggy is the CPU can't keep up), and the resulting scan is noisier (larger voxel sizes average out noise more effectively). Also, the resolution of the final mesh is usually better (smaller) than the resolution of the voxel, thanks for interpolation during marching cubes.)
- For larger subjects, we recommend increasing the voxel size to the point in which you are happy with the results.
Hole Filling
- Poisson
- Hole Filling Strategy
- Closed Hull
- A closed hull ensures that there are no gaps or holes in the surface, and the model forms a sealed structure.
- pointWeight = 0
- Watertight
- It is completely sealed, with no gaps, holes, or openings in its geometry.
- pointWeight = 4
- Liepa
- Max Patch Area
- Range: 0.01m - 2.01m
- This allows you to determine the size of the holes you wish to patch. ie. only smaller holes or very large holes
- Range: 0.01m - 2.01m
- Max Patch Area
- No
- This option does not do any hole filling.
Texturing Algorithm (STColorizerType)
- Area
- Generate a global texture map, and UV coordinates for each vertex of the mesh. Optimized for large areas/rooms.
- Only 640x480 color images are supported by this colorizer.
- Object
- Generates a global texture map, and UV coordinates for each vertex of the mesh. Optimized for objects and people.
- General
- Generates a global texture map, and UV coordinates for each vertex of the mesh. Optimized for both objects and rooms
Colorizer Quality
- Normal
- Use this option when speed is a concern.
- maxNumberOfFineFaces = 400000
- High
- Use this to balance between quality and speed.
- maxNumberOfFineFaces = 800000
- Ultra High
- Use this when speed is not a concern.
- maxNumberOfFineFaces = 1200000
Targeted Number of Faces
- Range: 5,000 - 500,000
- The scan tries to achieve this number of faces you select for the mesh.
Prioritize First Frame Color
- On/Off
- On - if you want to make sure to capture the first KeyFrame for the best looking texture possible. This is more relevant for object scanning.
- Off - This setting would be optimal for area scanning.
Maximum frames
- Range: 0 - infinity
- Sets the maximum number of keyframes for the scan.
- This is mostly limited by the amount of RAM available.
Max Translation
- Range: 0.05m - 1.00m
- The maximum distance between 2 keyframes along a particular axis (X, Y, or Z) during the scan
Max Rotation
- Range: 1.00° - 90.00°
- The maximum angle between 2 keyframes along a specific axis (X, Y, or Z) during the scan
Max Rotation Speed
- Range: 1.00 - 10.00
- It sets a limit on how fast the scan can go before keyframes can be captured. A smaller number means less motion blur.
File Format
- OBJ files are commonly used in 3D modeling applications and are supported by many software tools. They are versatile and suitable for transferring complex 3D models. Note: This is the only format that supports texture.
- PLY files are used in a variety of applications, including computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD), and 3D scanning. They are particularly useful for storing point cloud data. Note: This file type will not show texture/color.
- STL files are commonly used in 3D printing and rapid prototyping. They are also used for transferring surface geometry between different 3D modeling software. Note: This file type will not show texture/color.