How To Create a config.ini File
In order to best optimize your bounding box size, you can import a config.ini file. This will give you control over your bounding box size, location, and its rotation. A tight bounding box is essential for optimizing your scan's resolution and capturing the tightest mesh possible.
For this you will need a plain text editor. You can use Notepad or more robust editors (such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text), but make certain you do not use rich text editor, such as Microsoft Word. Word will add in additional characters and spaces that may confuse Skanect when imported.
Within this file, you can see three distinct areas of configuration: size, offset, and rotation.
The bounding box size in Skanect is understood in terms of meters. Within the software itself, you can only alter the bounding box size in lockstep with the other measurements. However, with a config.ini file, you can set the size exactly.
Measure your subject matter and determine the XYZ measurements. The below diagram details how Skanect assigns these directions:
For example, if you want a bounding box that is 50cm wide, 30cm tall, and 1m long, you would need to change the values as such:
size-x = 0.5
size-y = 0.3
size-z = 1.0
The bounding box can be translated, and the point you are translating is the origin of the box.
The supplied template has the following offsets specified:
offset-x = -1.25
offset-y = -1.25
offset-z = -0.5
This will horizontally and vertically center the bounding box in front of the camera, if the bounding box were 2.5m by 2.5m. It will also locate the camera 50 cm in front of the box.
If you do not need to alter these values, you may simply delete them, or comment them out with two semicolons.
The bounding box can be also be rotated. The rotation point is centered at the center of the bounding box.
rx = 0
ry = 0
rz = 0
The xyz directions are the same as noted above. All numbers are in degrees.
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