Which accessories work with Structure Sensor Pro or (Mark II)?

Almost all of our accessories will work with Structure Sensor (Mark II) and Structure Sensor Pro. 

Here is a chart that illustrates what is compatible at a glance:

 Accessory Original Structure Sensor Structure Sensor (Mark II) Structure Sensor Pro
Supported brackets Yes Yes Yes
Lightning connector cables Yes Yes Yes
USB-C Cables Yes Yes* Yes*
USB Hacker Cable Yes For charging only For charging only
Wide Vision Lens Yes Yes No
Structure Sensor AC power adapter Yes No No
Structure Sensor Power Adapter Pro Yes No No

Compatible accessories include:

  • All of our currently supported iPad brackets. (Deprecated models will not be supported)
  • Lightning connector cables
  • USB-C cables (see more below)*
  • USB Hacker cable > can be used for charging
  • Wide Vision Lens (Retired)

Incompatible accessories:

  • Structure Sensor AC power adapter. Structure Sensor Pro and (Mark II) uses a USB cable (for charging).
  • Structure Sensor Power Adapter Pro
  • Some USB-C cables will not be compatible. USB-C cables with the separate right-angle adapter are not supported; only fully molded cables like the one pictured below are supported:

If your cable is unsupported you would be able to purchase a new one on our accessory page: https://store.structure.io/buy/accessories

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