Structure SDK (iOS) Release Notes

Structure SDK 3.3 for iOS

Released March 7, 2025

Note: In order to develop with SDK 3.3, or utilize an app equipped with SDK 3.3, the following is required: 

  • Update Structure Sensor 3 firmware to version 1.2 - instructions here 
  • Latest version of Calibrator is installed on the host device 
  • New calibration is established with the latest version of Calibrator - instructions here 

New Features

  • New presets:
    • Ultra-Close: allows scans up to 25 cm of the target. 
    • Room Scanning (Beta): for scanning large indoor spaces
    • Dark Object Scanning (Beta) - for scanning black or dark colored objects.
    • Simplified - for quickly and easily tracking objects within a wide range of sizes.

  • New Methods, Keys, and Enums:
    • STSScanQuality Analysis
      • numberOfHoles - Returns the total number of holes in a mesh.
      • numberOfVerticesInHole - Returns the number of vertices in a hole. 
      • holeVertices - Returns a chunk of GLKVector3 values representing (x,y,z) coordinates for hole vertices. Useful for providing guidance on filling in a mesh. 
    • Structure/STDepthFrameSource - New enum used to indicate the source of depth frames.
    • New Key Structure/kSTCaptureSessionOptionColorBinningKey - Allows turning binning on or off. Binning is a new feature that improves scanning speed and reduces noise at the cost of some detail.
    • New Enum Structure/STDepthFrameSource - Indicates the source of depth frames (Structure Sensor, TrueDepth or LiDar)
    • New Beta Enum STSlamGraphicApi - Allows switching between OpenGL and Metal API for SLAM


  • Changed Default Preset to Simplified for Structure Sensor 3.
  • Option kSTCaptureSessionOptionColorResolutionKey now accepts an array with the exact desired color resolution.


  • Significantly improved initialization time of Structure Sensor 3
  • Significantly improved Structure Sensor 3 preset switch time. 
  • Significantly improved TrueDepth accuracy and performance on all iPads
  • Improved color registration on ST03 sensors
  • Significantly improved connectivity with Structure Sensor 3
  • Fixed IR LED control for original Structure Sensor

Structure SDK 3.2 for iOS

Released December 6, 2024


  • New function: Reboot Sensor


  • Outdoor Preset support for Structure Sensor 3: STCaptureSessionPreset/STCaptureSessionPresetOutdoor


  • Significantly decreased initialization times for Structure Sensor 3
  • Significantly decreased preset switching times for Structure Sensor 3.
  • Improved auto-exposure for Structure Sensor 3. (NOTE: Requires firmware 1.1)


  • Changed type of

    kSTCaptureSessionPropertySensorIRProjectorModeKey sensor property from a simple boolean to:

    STCaptureSessionSensorProjectorMode enum.

    This is in preparation for the Fast Projector Mode Structure Sensor 3.


  • Various crashes with all Structure Sensors

Structure SDK 3.1.1 for iOS

Released November 1st, 2024

Performance Improvements

  • Improved Stability on launch by optimizing the initialization process for Structure Sensor 3. 

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where a Structure Sensor (Mark II) or Structure Sensor Pro could cause a crash when capture session was de-allocated.
  • Fixed an issue where HDR settings were not fully respected by Structure Sensor 3.

Structure SDK 3.1 - General Release

Released October 25, 2024

Note: This SDK is an update to the SDK 3.1 Beta, Released September 25, 2024.


  • iPhone 16 Support added
  • Includes a variety of bug fixes and performance improvements

Known Issues (Structure Sensor 3)

  • Auto exposure: Structure Sensor 3 auto exposure will be  included in Firmware 1.1 to be  launched in Late October / Early November. 
  • Status LEDs: Full Structure Sensor 3 LED status indicator support is not included in this release. Will be available in Firmware 1.1.
  • Connectivity: Sometimes an application will need to start before plugging in Structure Sensor 3. To be improved in Firmware 1.2 expected to launch in Q4 2024.

Features Supported

  • Scan with the Structure Sensor 3, as well as Structure Sensor 1 and Structure Sensor 2, with no need for separate compatibility modes. Please note, if you implemented the toggle available in Structure SDK 3.1 beta, it will still work.
  • iPhone 16 support
  • Calibrate Structure Sensor 3
  • Lightning iPad support for Structure Sensor 3

Performance Improvements

  • Removal of depth speckling during scanning.

Bugs Fixed

  • Corrected an issue where the SDK would crash if the capture session was de-allocated.
  • Corrected an issue where the default preset would  set the depth field out of range of the bounding box on Structure Sensor Pro.
  • Corrected an issue where excessive noise could cause artifacts in a scan.
  • Corrected an issue where the SDK could crash on initialization.

Structure SDK 3.1 for iOS - Beta

Released September 15, 2024


  • Structure Sensor 3 support officially added to Structure SDK
  • Note: Structure SDK 3.1 or later required to support Structure Sensor 3
  • Includes a variety of bug fixes and performance improvements

Known Issues (Structure Sensor 3)

  • Auto exposure: Structure Sensor 3 auto exposure is not included in this release. Firmware 1.1 will launch in October with auto exposure support.
  • Status LEDs: Full Structure Sensor 3 LED status indicator support is not included in this release.Firmware 1.1 will launch in October with auto exposure support.
  • Connectivity: Sometimes an application will need to start before plugging in Structure Sensor 3. Firmware 1.2 will launch in Q4 2024 with a host of connectivity improvements.

Features Supported

  • Scan with the Structure Sensor 3
  • Depth Tracking
  • Depth + Color Tracking
  • Calibrate Structure Sensor 3
  • Presets
  • Lightning iPad support for Structure Sensor 3
  • Low Power mode
  • HDR mode

Performance Improvements

  • Updated Default Extrinsics for the Structure Sensor 3
  • Improved IR Frame Scaling
  • Added battery reporting
  • Added a system to warn users if the battery is depleted


  • Fixed an issue where if the sensor was disconnected while scanning and then reconnected, the sensor would not be recognized. 
  • Fixed an issue where changing a sensor option would cause the sensor to freeze for several seconds.

Structure SDK 3.0.3 for iOS

Released Aug 05, 2024

Release Notes

TrueDepth and Structure Sensor Support added for the following 2024 iPads:

  • 13-inch iPad Pro (M4)
  • 11-inch iPad Pro (M4)
  • 13-inch iPad Air (M2)
  • 11-inch iPad Air (M2)

  • Structure SDK 3.0.2 for iOS

    Released Apr 18, 2024

    • Added privacy manifest.

      (Please Note: all apps submitted to Apple after May 1, 2024 will need to be built on SDK 3.0.2 or higher to comply with Apple’s new Privacy Manifest requirements.

    • Fixed bug when OBJ file export failed if the mesh scale factor was too big.

    Structure SDK 3.0.1 for iOS

    Released Feb 28, 2024

    Changes and Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug with incorrect exposure which caused some scans to turn out poorly.
      (This was especially apparent during white object scanning)
    • Fixed bug when streaming options were ignored if applied before streaming.
        (Settings can now be adjusted and implemented prior to streaming)
    • Fixed bug when the CaptureSession reported incorrect sensor state. 
      (States such as initializing, battery state etc are now true and correctly communicated)

    Developers Notes

    • Support for the original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) has been extended for our Commercial SDK partners since the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. Contact for more information.
    • License keys will work up to 7 days without an active internet connection. (If an app is asking for a license key and you have one implemented in your app please ensure that the end user has their wifi on)
    • Keep an eye on known issues and report new ones here: Known Issue Tracker

    Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS with Scan Quality Indicator 

    Released Dec 22, 2023

    Today we’re excited to announce the official launch of Structure SDK 3.0.0 with a host of new features for our developer partners. Features like Scan Quality Indicator, ongoing ST01 support and iPhone 15 support are now available for our Commercial SDK partners. If you’re interested in the Commercial SDK, please contact us at

    Additionally, we’re announcing official support for iOS 17 and iPad OS 17, an all-new Scanner Swift sample app, a new tutorial to fast-track getting you up and running with Structure SDK 3.0 and more!

    With version 3.0, Structure SDK can now be used in Swift without an Objective-C bridging header file.

    Are you new to developing with our SDK? Our tutorial starts with a description of how to setup the project, followed by a step-by-step description of how to use the Structure SDK to execute key steps required for object scanning, starting from the setup of the STCaptureSession class, to the rendering of the final mesh. Steps are exemplified with snippets of code, whenever applicable. (You can find in in the "Reference" section)

    Ongoing ST01 support

    • ST01 support has been officially extended for Commercial SDK partners. If you still require support for the original Structure Sensor (ST01), please contact us at

    Major changes

    • Introducing a new Licensing model. Developers are now required to obtain SDK Keys to unlock paid features of the Structure SDK for Commercial SDK partners. A tutorial is included with Structure SDK 3.0 to get you up and running.

    New features

    • An all-new Scan Quality Indicator has been added for Commercial SDK partners. To use the Scan Quality Indicator, a new feature to calculate the quality of a mesh has been added STScanQualityAnalysis. Today the feature is optimized for feet today with more optimizations to come in future versions of Structure SDK. The following methods are available:

      • Initialize with mesh type: initWithMeshType:

      • Calculate a scan quality score: calcQualityOfMesh:

    • Scanner Swift, our Scanner sample app now written entirely in Swift, is now available at

    • Unbounded mode is now available for STMapper. Pass zero volume to kSTMapperVolumeBoundsKey to enable it.

    • An init function is now available to initialize without EAGLContext for applications that utilize Metal for visualization. 

    • An initFromFile: function is now available to to read a PLY or OBJ file.


    • initWithContext: is now deprecated along with the rest of the OpenGL-based visualization code.

    • STSLAMManager is now officially deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please use STMapper instead.

    Changs and bug fixes

    • Documentation is now available in docc format.

    • Fixed missing module.modulemap file. Now StructureSDK can be used in Swift without the need for an Objective-C bridging header file.


    • Removed the needInternetConnection user instruction.

    • Removed STCaptureSession/newCaptureSessionBeta. The new implementation is used by default and is no longer in beta.

    Developer Notes

    • Support for the original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) has been extended for our Commercial SDK partners with the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. 

    • Room Capture was officially removed from the included sample apps as of release (2.3).  Users interested in this functionality should check out the Canvas app by Occipital in the App Store

    Structure SDK 2.2.1 for iOS

    Released Jun 30, 2023

    • Fixed wrong behavior where SDK cannot read stored calibration after upgrade to iOS 16
    • Fixed simulator signing issue

    Structure SDK 2.2.0 for iOS

    Released Apr 14, 2023

    This release introduces a major improvement in the support for LiDAR, using Structure’s proprietary reconstruction algorithms to provide users with a superior scanning experience. This new feature affirms our commitment to continue to support additional sensors in the Structure SDK. To access it you’ll need an active Structure Commercial SDK license. If you’re interested in the commercial SDK, please contact us at

    Please note, a new sample app written in Swift outlining how to access the Apple LiDAR camera using Structure Lite for iOS will be available soon for customers with an active Structure Commercial SDK license.

    This release also includes some important bug fixes, including an issue that required some devices to re-run Calibrator after upgrading to iOS 16.X.

    Are you new to developing with our SDK? Our tutorial starts with a description of how to set up the project, followed by a step-by-step description of how to use the Structure SDK to execute key steps required for object scanning, starting from the setup of the STCaptureSession class, to the rendering of the final mesh. Steps are exemplified with snippets of code, whenever applicable. (You can find in in the "Reference" section)

    New Features:

    • Added support for LiDAR for all iOS devices that support AVFoundation. See link for complete list.
    • Depth filtering (Beta): Improves TrueDepth performance in Structure Lite, especially on the most recent iPhones

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed an issue where some devices would require sensor calibration after upgrading to iOS 16.X
    • Other minor bug fixes and improvements

    Known limitations:

    • LiDAR is not supported in older iOS devices that do not support AVFoundation. We hope you find these updates useful and look forward to seeing what new applications you create with the Structure SDK!

    Developer Notes:

    • We will be sunsetting original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) support with the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. ST01 may work with future releases of our SDK but new features will not be tested or verified with the deprecated sensor. ST01 will not be configured to work with newer iPads/iPhones.
    • Room Capture has been removed from the included sample apps as of this release (2.2). Users interested in this functionality should check out the Canvas app by Occipital in the App Store. For you room scanning needs, you should check out

    Change Log:


    • Support of LiDAR with AVFoundation
    • STCaptureSessionIOSCameraBackAndLiDAR
    • kSTCaptureSessionOptionLiDARFrameResolutionKey
    • STCaptureSessionLiDARFrameResolution
    • New option to discard less accurate depth pixels in mapper
    • STMapperEnableDepthFiltering
    • A new read only property for STInfraredFrame< to read frame brightness [STInfraredFrame medianBrightness] An option to receive internal Structure SDK logs
    • STLogger

    Structure SDK 2.1.2 for iOS

    Released Mar 2, 2023

    This patch release is being issued to include support for the latest iPads.

    We’ve added support for the 11" iPad Pro (4th generation), 12.9" iPad Pro (6th generation), and iPad (10th generation) across our SDK.

    Developer Notes for SDK 3.0 (coming soon):

    • We will be sunsetting original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) support with the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. ST01 may work with future releases of our SDK but new features will not be tested or verified with the deprecated sensor. ST01 will not be configured to work with newer iPads/iPhones.
    • If you are new to developing with our SDK? Our tutorial starts with a description of how to setup the project, followed by a step-by-step description of how to use the Structure SDK to execute key steps required for object scanning, starting from the setup of the STCaptureSession  class, to the rendering of the final mesh. Steps are exemplified with snippets of code, whenever applicable. (You can find in in the "Reference" section)

    Structure SDK 2.1.1 for iOS

    Released Nov 17, 2022

    Interested in trying our Apple TrueDepth solutions? 

    Apply here 

    We’ve added support for the iPhone 14 & iPhone 14 Plus for our Apple TrueDepth sample apps (3DFootScan & 3DFaceScan). Also worthy of note, the new sample apps are based on Swift, and offer an example of how to use Structure frameworks when developing apps in that environment.

    Since we’re expanding the line of sensors we support, you’ll see new refreshed icons and branding logos throughout the sample apps and message prompts. Make sure to review the new guidelines before submitting your app for review to us. 

    Are you new to developing with our SDK? 

    Check out the handy tutorial found in the reference section of our SDK download. 

    Developer Reminders for SDK 3.0:

    • We recommend that all developers try the Beta of STCaptureSession prior to the end of 2022 to ensure that their apps will be compatible when it is publicly released with Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. 
    • We will be sunsetting original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) support with the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. ST01 may work with future releases of our SDK but new features will not be tested or verified with the deprecated sensor. ST01 will not be configured to work with newer iPads/iPhones.

    Structure SDK 2.1 for iOS

    Released Aug 17, 2022

    We are excited to announce the launch of Structure SDK (iOS) 2.1! This is our first attempt to adopt a tick/tock major/maintenance release cadence, a practice we plan to continue to follow in the future.

    Structure (iOS) SDK 2.1 is now provided as a XCFramework. This simplifies integration with Swift applications and enables other architectures for iOS Simulator. You can see more at Distributing Binary Frameworks as Swift Packages

    We’re also releasing a new Beta of STCaptureSession. We recommend that all developers try this prior to the end of 2022 to ensure that their apps will be compatible when it is publicly released with Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. 

    Please Note: We will be sunsetting original Structure Sensor (model: ST01) support with the release of Structure SDK 3.0 for iOS. ST01 may work with future releases of our SDK but new features will not be tested or verified with the deprecated sensor. ST01 will not be configured to work with newer iPads/iPhones.


    • iOS Simulator support added for arm64 architecture. This enables running simulator on Apple Silicon (M1).
    • An option to specify resolution of IR frames. Note: the highest resolution is limited to a maximum frame rate of 10fps. 
      • kSTCaptureSessionOptionIrFrameResolutionKey
      • STCaptureSessionIrFrameResolution
    • An option to specify if rectification of IR frames is required (true by default).
      • kSTCaptureSessionOptionIrRectificationKey
    • The ability to turn the IR projector ON and OFF.
      • kSTCaptureSessionPropertySensorIRProjectorModeKey
    • A read only property for STInfraredFrame to read frame exposure duration
      • [STInfraredFrame exposure]
    • An option to specify ARKit configuration (required in case of using TrueDepth camera) 
      • kSTCaptureSessionOptionUseARKitConfigurationKey
    • A read only property to query IR camera extrinsics taking into account the rectification
      • [STInfraredFrame extrinsics]
    • New functions to query mesh during scanning with STSLAMManager
      • [STSLAMManager currentMesh]
      • [STSLAMManager currentBundleMesh]


    • GLES-based visualization has been deprecated by Apple and will be removed in future releases. Please use Metal-based visualization API provided in the Samples/Shared folder.


    • An old option for ARKit (replaced with <strong>kSTCaptureSessionOptionUseARKitConfigurationKey</strong>) kSTCaptureSessionOptionUseARKitKey

    Structure SDK 2.0.1 for iOS

    Released Apr 12, 2022

    After receiving notification from fellow developers that they are having difficulties obtaining approval from Apple for releasing their applications while using Structure SDK 2.0, including True Depth Support, we decided to deploy a quick fix, making available a patch release (Structure SDK 2.0.1) including  two flavors of the SDK: with and without True Depth support. Additionally, SDK stability has been improved.

    If your application requires use of Apple’s True Depth sensor, please use the framework available in the folder: Frameworks/TrueDepth/. Also, be prepared to answer questions from Apple’s review team regarding the use of True Depth sensor by your application.

    Otherwise, please use the framework available in the Frameworks/ folder, as usual.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Structure SDK 2.0 for iOS

    Released Mar 9, 2022

    Today we are announcing Structure SDK 2.0 with beta support for the Apple TrueDepth camera found on many modern iOS devices. This release brings Structure's best-in-class 3D scanning and reconstruction available to hundreds of millions of devices, allowing Structure SDK developers to easily augment their existing apps to enable scanning using this widely accessible sensor. That feature is free to try, and our commercial users have a choice of either buying the Structure Sensor - the leading sensor used for healthcare applications - and using the SDK for free, as they always have, or licensing the SDK for use with True Depth sensors. 

    This release also includes a new sample app: 3DFaceScan, available to pre-qualified developers. This is our first sample app using Swift, and it showcases the use of Structure SDK 2.0 to perform face scans using the Apple TrueDepth camera. For the initial release, we’re selecting a limited number of partners into the program. The 3DFaceScan app will be available on Apple’s App Store with a 7-day free trial period in the coming days.


    • Apple TrueDepth camera now supported in Structure SDK (iOS)
    • 3DFaceScan app available using Apple’s TrueDepth sensor
    • Battery level indicator included in sample apps
    • Texturing algorithm added - ideal for rooms and buildings (Room Capture)
    • Ability to apply mesh transform (ie. Scale from meters to millimeters or applying transformation matrix)
    • Ability to mirror/Rotate the Mesh Function (i.e. Portrait / Landscape)
    • Hole-filling method (Liepa, in addition to Poisson)
    • Bounding box mirroring/rotation and texture renderer for different screen orientations functions added to Structure SDK (iOS)
    • Detailed tutorial on creating a new project (under Reference)
    • Additional Structure Sensor Pro Preset: Medium (0.5-3m range)


    • New sample application using Swift (3DFaceScan sample code available to select developers)
    • Settings User Interface has been cleaned up to be more user-friendly
    • Expanded Sharing Options (e.g. AirDrop, To Device, Email) added to Scanner sample app
    • Export File Formats
      • STL
      • PLY 
      • OBJ
    • Bounding Box Options
      • Fixed Position
      • Align to Gravity
    • Firmware Update (Available but not required for patch versions)
    • Customize Depth Rendering Color (Color feedback to user during bounding box placement)
    • Mesh Rendering Function (ie. Red means too close and not in the scanning area)
    • Minimum tracking distance specifications (ie. 10 cm for face scanning)

    Bug Fixes 

    • Fixed incorrect metadata attached to OBJ files

    **Please see the change log in the index.html for specific function names and examples.** 

    Structure SDK 1.2.1 for iOS

    Released Oct 12, 2021

    Our developer community spoke and we listened: by popular demand, we are bringing the iOS Simulator back to the Structure SDK and launching Structure SDK (iOS) 1.2.1. That is the main change in this patch release, but stay tuned: our engineers are working on new features for an upcoming major release!

    Structure SDK 1.2 for iOS

    Released Jul 13, 2021

    We’re excited to announce the launch of Structure SDK (iOS) 1.2! This is our biggest release in a while with connectivity improvements for Structure Sensor (Mark II), removal of STSensorController support in the SDK, and more! Additionally, firmware 1.2 will be available for download in the Structure app soon, significantly improving support for USB-C iPads. If you'd like to test firmware 1.2, you can download Core Firmware Updater here

    Download Structure SDK (iOS) 1.2 here.


    • the Scanner sample app has been updated with features outlined in the new functionality section below.
    • STSensorController is removed in SDK 1.2. 
    • Calibrator support for iPad Pro 11" (2021) has been added. Support for the iPad Pro 12.9" (2021) along with a new bracket coming soon. 

    New functionality:

    • Depth window adjustment has been added - kSTCaptureSessionOptionDepthSearchWindowKey specifies the size of the search window for depth frame generation. A larger depth window gives you better coverage while smaller windows sizes allow for the resolution of finer details. Structure recommends a depth value of 11x11. Please note, this function is for advanced users only and can degrade performance if used incorrectly.

      Example source:

      // provide to STCaptureSession::startMonitoringWithOptions
      kSTCaptureSessionOptionDepthSearchWindowKey: @[@9, @9],

      In this example, there is an NSArray of two values, @[@9, @9], specifying a depth window size of 9x9.

    • PLY export (Polygon File format or the Stanford Triangle Format) has been added -STMesh::writeToFile should be provided with kSTMeshWriteOptionFileFormatKey: @(STMeshWriteOptionFileFormatPlyFile). Please note, the output mesh will be in binary format and will be exported in meters. If you need to output in millimeters, a workaround is to scale your vertices in  STMesh prior to calling writeToFile.
    • Streaming of high-resolution depth frames (1280x960) has been added.
    • A Dark Object Preset has been added - STCaptureSessionPresetDarkObjectScanning. This preset improves depth coverage in scenes containing dark, shiny objects (i.e. computer monitors, luggage). 
    • BETA - a depth refinement function has been added -  STDepthFrame::applyDepthRefinement improves the accuracy of depth data for the upcoming Structure Sensor Pro (ST02B). Specifically, this function removes outliers and neighboring depth values from invalid or bad pixels. Please note, depth refinement is not supported on Structure Sensor (Mark II) (ST02A) or the original Structure Sensor (ST01).

    Bug fixes:

    • MTL file on OBJ export is no longer broken
    • CoreMotion is now stopped when not streaming
    • CoreBluetooth is no longer required when building / linking SDK
    • STCaptureSession now shows correct sensor information on first boot (Structure App now displays serial number correctly)
    • Changing streams using the original Structure Sensor no longer causes the Structure App to crash


    • iOS Simulators have been removed
    • STSensorController has been removed

    Firmware 1.2 release notes:

    • Improved connectivity for Structure Sensor (Mark II) (ST02A) and Structure Sensor Pro (ST02B).
    • Resolved an issue where Structure Sensor (Mark II) was unable to communicate with certain iPad models due to a change by Apple to USB-C authentication.
    • Added a new Dark Object Preset that enables improved depth in scenes containing dark, shiny objects (i.e. computer monitors, luggage).

    Structure SDK 1.1 for iOS

    Released Dec 14, 2020

    We are excited to announce that we’ve completed the development and validation of Structure SDK 1.1 for iOS. This release introduces a beta release of our brand-new, Structure-managed SLAM API, STSLAMManager, for scanning objects with improved accuracy.

    NOTE: STSLAMManger is optimized for more powerful iOS devices like the new iPad Air 4 or recent 11" and 12.9" iPad Pros. While we attempt to support as many iOS host devices as possible with Structure SDK, STSLAMManager performs best on newer iPads and currently only supports Structure Sensor Mark II (ST02A) with third-party sensor support coming in a future release.

    Introducing Structure SDK for Business

    Today we’re announcing our upcoming Structure SDK for Business program, launching in early 2021. We have some exciting features coming including enhanced textures, face-optimized scanning settings and sample code, and Structure-managed SLAM support for third-party sensors like the Apple TrueDepth camera using STSLAMManager.

    Learn more

    Download Structure SDK 1.1 for iOS from the Developer Portal


    • Introducing STSLAMManager into beta. This beta feature includes improvements to object scanning scale accuracy.


    • Resolved crashes related to External Accessory Framework (stack traces mentioned “EAInput”, “EASession”, etc)
    • Bounding box disappearing when certain presets are selected
    • Improved Hybrid (beta) scanning preset, extending the operating range of the sensor
    • Fixed a bug with initCameraPose not being applied correctly
    • We now stop CoreMotion events when the app backgrounds, saving battery and memory usage


    • iPad Air 2 support has been deprecated
    • This is the last release that includes STSensorController, all future versions of Structure SDK (iOS) will no longer include this interface


    • iOS Host Device Speed: We found that in cases where older, less powerful devices were used some devices saw an increase of tracking slip or stuttering that impacted the final mesh/size accuracy. Our goal is always to support as many iOS devices as possible, however if you are seeing increases in these types of issues you may wish to troubleshoot with a more powerful device

    Structure SDK 1.0.1 for iOS

    Released Sept 29, 2020

    We are excited to announce that the team has completed development and validation of Structure SDK 1.0.1 (iOS). iOS 14 arrived a little sooner than we expected, thus we focused this release solely on ensuring developers and users can update their apps to work on iOS 14. We have many exciting updates coming in a future release, stay tuned!

    The following apps have been approved by Apple with these fixes:

    Download Structure SDK 1.0.1 for iOS from the Developer Portal

    Full list of changes in SDK 1.0.1:

    • Fixed an issue found in iOS 14

    Technical Note: We found that Apple/LLVM made changes to std::chrono::steady_clock  at a low level in LLVM 10 (released with iOS 14), which was upgraded from LLVM 9 in iOS 13. This resulted in an issue which appeared as black, white or frozen camera previews in previous versions of Structure SDK when using Structure Sensor Mark II, as frame synchronization relied on the previous behavior.

    Structure SDK 1.0 for iOS

    Released Jul 23, 2020

    We are excited to announce that the team has completed development and validation of Structure SDK 1.0 for iOS. As announced earlier this year, this release adds support for third-party sensors starting with Apple’s new iPad Pro LiDAR Scanner. Future versions of Structure SDK (iOS) will support additional sensors including Apple’s TrueDepth camera.

    We’ve found the Apple iPad Pro LiDAR scanner works best for scanning large spaces so we’ve added support to our Room Scanner sample. If you would like to see the sensor in action, along with some special Structure magic, please download Canvas here 25.

    We would like to thank Christopher Worley ( @n6xej) for assisting the team in updating the Room Capture sample app to support LiDAR scanning.

    Currently, due to hardware limitations of Apple’s LiDAR Scanner on iPad Pro (50x less resolution vs Structure Sensor Mark II), we do not recommend using Apple LiDAR for object scanning.

    Earlier this year, iOS 13.4 launched with some basic APIs for interfacing with Apple’s iPad Pro LiDAR Scanner. When iOS 14 launches out of beta later this year, we’re planning on doing even more with the sensor in Structure SDK (iOS).

    Download Structure SDK 1.0 for iOS from the Developer Portal

    In addition to 3rd party sensor support, we have been busy making improvements to Structure SDK (iOS)!

    Full list of changes in SDK 1.0:

    • Reverted STMeshWriteOptionFileFormatObjFile naming so that .jpg files are named Model.jpg rather than Model0.jpg
    • kSTCaptureSessionOptionDepthSensorEnabledKey was “NO” in documentation, and “YES” in the code by default. We have aligned both of these sources to “YES”
    • Updated sample app icons to reflect new Structure branding
    • Revised battery logic related to STCaptureSessionSensorModeBatteryDepleted to trigger depleted status at 0% rather than 10% for connected/initialized sensors
    • kSTMapperVolumeCutBelowSupportPlaneKey was not being respected when legacy mapper was used. This is intentional, we have updated error messaging and documentation to reflect this non compatibility.
    • Reflecting the continued deprecation of STSensorController, we have removed the “low level” SDK examples that used STSensorController. STSensorController is still available in the SDK, but we highly suggest new and existing apps move to STCaptureSensorController before STSensorController is fully removed from the SDK. We are seeking community feedback regarding this change.
    • (BETA) We have added a new depth preset Hybrid mode
    • (BETA) We have added a new SDK connection to allow recording in QVGA depth mode

    Structure SDK 0.12 for iOS

    Released May 19, 2020

    Today we are excited to announce the newest version of Structure SDK (iOS) 0.12! Our teams have been focused on improving performance, accuracy and stability for this build.

    Structure SDK (iOS) 0.12 is highly encouraged to be paired with a Structure Sensor (Mark II) running Firmware 1.0, or for Structure Sensor (Original) devices Firmware 2.0.

    Stability Improvements:

    • Introducing support for Firmware version 1.0
    • Fixed miscellaneous crashing related to background and foreground app transitions
    • Fixed miscellaneous crashing and failures related to starting and stopping streaming
    • Fixed a crash related to colorCameraPropertiesQueue
    • Fixed an issue with some ST02A sensors experiencing dropping frame rates after a period of time

    API Changes

    • Battery level reporting has been slightly changed. When a sensor is in low power mode, and is unable to start streaming STCaptureSessionSensorModeBatteryDepleted will be emitted.
    • STCaptureSessionSensorModeBatteryDepleted events will now be triggered on the main thread, allowing UI updates to take place.

    Structure SDK 0.11.2 for iOS

    Released Jan 7, 2020

    Today (7th of January, 2020) we have released Structure SDK 0.11.2.

    This is a minor update with some quick but important fixes. It still includes the major updates seen in SDK 0.11 but additionally fixes a few last-minute bugs we found. For a full post regarding the updates in SDK 0.11, and 0.11.1 please check out the below post.

    Structure SDK 0.11.2 Release Notes

    • Fixed some bugs where Structure Sensor Mark II would either fail to stream after restarting streams several times, or the frame rate would slow down every time streaming would restart.

    Structure SDK 0.11.1 for iOS

    Released Dec 18, 2019

    Structure SDK 0.11.1 Release Notes

    • Fixed a bug in our SLAM code that affects room level scanning when using our wide-vision lens attachment
    • Fixed a bug in the docs for launchStructureAppOrGoToAppStore. We specified in the docs that you should add structure to LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in the Info.plist, however this should have been structure-app.

    Structure SDK 0.11 for iOS

    Released Dec 9, 2019

    This is a major update to Structure SDK and it comes with a host of stability updates and improvements for Structure Sensor (Mark II).

    This SDK is being released in parallel with a new Structure App and Mark II firmware update. For best results please use the latest SDK along with the latest firmware. Users can update the firmware by downloading the Structure app and running the included firmware updater. The firmware update is not available directly through the Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.11.

    For any developers who may have run into issues with App Store rejection due to obfuscated code, please see our App Store Obfuscation Rejection Update forum post.

    Structure SDK 0.11 Release Notes:

    • Structure SDK headers have been significantly refactored and now include a module map. These changes improve clarity, and will make Swift porting simpler. Now, instead of including separate classes, you only need to include the umbrella header ‘Structure.h’.
    • Driver updates to improve Structure Sensor (Mark II) connection and stability.
    • STSensorController has been deprecated. Verbose logs warning that STSensorController is no longer supported have been added. All apps built on STSensorController should migrate to STCaptureSession (details here: Announcing Structure SDK (iOS) 0.9: STCaptureSession). All samples built on STSensorController will still work for the time being, but will not be under continued development.
    • We have added a sample notification in the Scanner Sample prompting users to update to the latest firmware. The following code will prompt users to download the Structure App from the app store to update to the latest firmware version:

    bool needToUpgradeFirmware = userInstructions & STCaptureSessionUserInstructionFirmwareUpdateRequired;
    // OR
    bool needToUpgradeFirmware = [[STSensorController sharedController] isFirmwareUpdateNeeded];

    Issues Addressed:

    • Fixed a bug where apps would crash when backgrounded by the OS. This also resolves a crash that would happen when the camera permissions dialog box appears for the first time.
    • Fixed a bug where Structure Sensor Mark II would not reconnect after an app was backgrounded
    • Fixed a bug where unplugging and replugging Structure Sensor (Mark II) would crash the application

    • “Improved Tracker” is not currently optimized for Structure Sensor Mark II. Optimization for the “Improved Tracker” will be added in the near future. In Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.11 “Legacy Tracker” has been set to the default tracking mode in the Scanner sample application. This option can be toggled by by setting kSTTrackerLegacyKey to YES in the STTracker options, or using the gear icon in the upper left corner of the Scanner Sample app.

    Known Issues:

    • On iOS 13 sensors may not be detected on app initialization. The sensor must be unplugged and replugged to restore connection. This behavior does not exhibit itself on iOS 12.
    • kSTMapperVolumeCutBelowSupportPlaneKey clips the ground plane even when set to NO  when using the legacy mapper.
    • We’ve seen intermittent framerate reduction when repeatedly stopping and restarting streaming on Mark II. Triggers include changing depth modes or returning to scan mode after saving a mesh. If you encounter reduced framerate, please quit and restart your app.

    Structure SDK 0.10.3 for iOS

    Released Oct 23, 2019

    Today we are releasing Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.3. This release includes iOS 13 compatibility updates, fixes a IMU related tracking regression, and resolves a number of minor bugs.

    Please note – if you’re upgrading from an earlier version (0.10 or earlier) be sure to read the 0.10.1 notes on the  HERE. Applications built on 0.10.1+ require special steps when submitting to the app store.


    Since SDK 0.9, the STCaptureSession provides direct access to IMU data. In the Room Capture and Scanner sample apps, we have been using the old setupIMU initialization for IMU events, while also utilizing the IMU information from STCaptureSession. This caused regressions in tracking, especially on iOS / iPadOS 13. We have removed the setupIMU method and all corresponding calls, which should improve performance of the sample apps.


    Structure SDK 0.10.3 fixes an error in the Scanner sample app in which scanning would not start when the Scan button is pressed.


    We have fixed a crash related to calling STCaptureSession:sensorBatteryLevel or STSensorController:getBatteryChargePercentage after a Structure Sensor Mark II is disconnected. Please contact support if you continue to experience issues pertaining to the use of these APIs.

    Structure SDK 0.10.2 for iOS

    Released Dec 9, 2019

    Today we are releasing Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.2. This update fixes an issue where Mark II units would incorrectly report that the battery needed charging at 60% charge, as well as including stability updates to reduce situations where the applications would freeze on sensor disconnect.

    Please note – this update is a targeted patch on top of the Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.1 release. If you’re upgrading from an earlier version (0.10 or earlier) be sure to read the 0.10.1 notes on the HERE 45. Special steps are required for apps built on 0.10.1 and above when submitting to the app store.


    Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.2 now accurate handles battery state checking on Structure Sensor Mark II. The SDK no longer incorrectly reports that the battery needs charging when your Mark II battery is at 60% or below. This update will significantly extend the battery life on Mark II sensors.


    This update resolves an issue where sensorDidDisconnect  was not being properly signalled in both the STSensorController  and STCaptureSession  with Structure Sensor Mark II. This bug would cause applications to freeze or crash when the sensor disconnected. Now apps will be properly signalled when a Structure Sensor Mark II device disconnects from the host iOS device.

    STDepthFrame API CHANGES

    Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.2 adds a new API to STDepthFrame , namely iOSColorFromDepthExtrinsics . Deprecated colorCameraPoseInDepthCoordinateFrame:  in STDepthFrame  and colorCameraPoseInSensorCoordinateFrame : in STSensorController . While these methods will be supported for the time being (as they are required in configurations that use hardware registered depth, which has been deprecated for some time), in future versions of the SDK we plan to remove them along with hardware registered depth configurations. We hope this new API helps developers by making the current color from depth extrinsics clearer.


    Certain apps built on 0.10.1 were rejected during the App Store submission process due to Missing Purpose String in Info.plist . We have removed CoreBluetooth as a dependency, and apps build on 0.10.2 will no longer trigger auto trigger rejections from the App Store for this reason.

    Structure SDK 0.10.1 for iOS

    Released Sept 30, 2019

    Today we are pleased to announce the release of Structure SDK (for iOS) 0.10.1. This update includes two primary updates as well as a number of improvements and changes across the board. First, the key updates:


    Our last release triggered an automated flag in Apple’s process regarding an obfuscated symbols error when submitting an app to App Store Connect. We have addressed this with the Structure SDK 0.10.1 release, and it should be easier for developers to submit apps now.

    All apps built on Structure SDK 0.10 should be updated to 0.10.1 before submission to the App Store.


    The Structure SDK 0.10 release included many symbols from some of Structure's internal dependencies, such as Eigen3 and OpenCV. This could result in symbol clashes that made it difficult for our developers to include their own versions of these libraries. To prevent this from happening in the future, we have begun providing a dynamic framework for Structure SDK releases.

    In order to use Structure SDK 0.10.1, you will need to embed the Structure.framework into your app on the app target’s “General” page in Xcode.

    A tutorial for what to do can be found HERE. Please read this post, as there are additional instructions for those who want to submit their apps to the App Store.

    The Structure SDK 0.10.1 release also includes the following updates:

    New STTracker Methods

    We added two new methods to STTracker (updateCameraPoseWithGyro and updateCameraPoseWithAccel) so that developers can pass raw Accelerometer and Gyroscope events from the iOS IMU to our tracker. The ability to turn off CoreMotion in favor of raw IMU events was added along with STCaptureSession in SDK 0.9, but we didn’t add the corresponding tracker methods at that time. Those methods are now available.

    The Sample App projects have been updated to be backwards compatible with XCode 10.0 or newer

    In addition, many recommended settings have been enabled on the projects according to modern XCode standards and Apple recommendations.

    C functions are now exposed as C symbols, rather than C++ symbols

    We hope this helps makes things easier for developers who write Swift wrappers for the Structure SDK

    HAS_LIBCXX has been added to the project preprocessor definitions rather than defined in the Sample App View Controllers

    We hope this also makes it easier for developers using our Sample Apps as a base for their own projects.

    The Structure SDK 0.10.1 includes the following bug fixes:

    • Fixed a bug when writing OCCs with high-resolution color frames in STCaptureSession
    • Fixed a bug where the firmwareRevision and hardwareRevision properties in STSensorController returned nil when a Mark II device is plugged in
    • Fixed how we display the mesh view in Scanner and RoomCapture on iPadOS 13

    Known Issues:

    You may observe the message “please put the model back in view” in Scanner right after starting a scan. If you observe this happening more often than what happens with the original Structure Sensor, please contact us at

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